Upcoming Events
B Day
Pontificial Presention Assembly (All grades)
A Day
Kindergarten Cereal Challenge
Religious Speaker Jodi Dauses
6th Grade Wax Museum Presentation
Kindergarten Trip to Jenkinson's Aquarium
ARK Testing 5th & 8th Grade
ARK Testing 5th & 8th Grade
B Day
Career Day (Grades 4-8)
SLG Sponsored Cheer Competition in AAC
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News & Announcements
March 9, 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy Sunday! I hope everyone remembered to turn their clocks forward as we officially enter into daylight savings time and completed the first full week of March!
Second Trimester report cards can be found in the parent portal. Please reach out to your chil's teacher if you have any questions or to Cynthia Dapra if you are unable to access the portal.
We had a busy and fun week at SLG. Our 6th graders went to Medieval Times and a great time was had by all. Additionally, our 4th graders celebrated their annual Harry Potter Day on Friday with quidditch games, a feast, and an afternoon watching the first Harry Potter movie based on the first book of the series that they read in class. Thank you to our parents who volunteered to assist with this fun-filled day.
The season of Lent began with Ash Wednesday and all our students received their ashes with a great message from Father John about the three tools to strengthen our relationship with God during Lent: prayer, acts of kindness toward others, and sacrifices or acts of penance. I hope you have a joyous season as we prepare. I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that on Saturday, March 22nd we have a wonderful talk scheduled. Jodi Dauses will be speaking to our community about “Walking with Purpose” This author and speaker is coming to us from Maryland and will discuss how to find peace in the crazy world we live in. I hope we have a large turnout for this event. Please sign up on the PTA portal if you have not already done so.
On Friday our PTA had a fun night bowling at Pier Lanes for all 4th-8th grade boys. Much fun was had throughout the night. A special thank you to the following businesses, Tast and Technique and Jack’s Goal Line Stand for supporting the evenings events.
Congratulations to all our 2nd grade students for receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. May communions will be here before you know it, so this first step is a great way to prepare our communicants. Thanks to all of our 2nd grade teachers and paraprofessionals for working with our students in their preparations.
This week we have our 3rd annual Science Fair. We have four SLG alumni from Trinity Hall who will be this year’s judges. I look forward to welcoming them and working on the day’s event. We will keep you posted on this year’s winners. Good luck to all those that are scheduled to participate! Please feel free to join us on Tuesday night from 5:00PM to 6:00PM in the AAC to see all the great experiments the students implemented.
As a reminder, we have a half day scheduled for this Wednesday, March 12th with a 12:30PM dismissal. This afternoon is scheduled for a faculty PD meeting to discuss end of year plans and changes for the 2025/2026 school year.
I wish you all a blessed week!
Proverbs 3:5: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding"
Caroline Fitzgerald, MA Eds.
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